dan canwell
The story so far . . .
Dan Canwell has never won any awards; he is actually extraordinarily good at not winning awards and is entirely content with that state of affairs.
What he has done, is to write books to modest acclaim; not from the great or the good of the literary world, but from the people that matter - the readers.
Suffused with positivity from people he had never heard of, Dan has continued to write, and will probably carry on unless someone pays him a lot of money to stop, in which case he will just use a pseudonym.
He takes up his own story . . .
Do you remember old-style libraries? Ours was a converted world war two Nissen Hut, with the pungent reek of decades of polish on the cracked red linoleum floor, the tang of dust in the air and the creaking of the librarian as she moved around the place.. No modern computer systems in those days, you got a set of cardboard tickets that the library kept if you had the requisite number of books out - which I always did. I loved reading, and still do. It is my window into another world - as I hope my books can be for you.
I suppose my love of creating a story came from all that reading, a habit I have continued from my childhood to the present day. It also wove its way into my career, or the day job as I now call it more accurately.
The cycle ride to the library was my weekly treat to myself, and I'd return home with a pile of books. By choice I'd read action, adventure and thrillers, so it's perhaps understandable that they have become my chosen genre.
I have been writing for years and like a lot of writers, my first novel, still unfinished, (but titled 'Drug Runners' for those who are interested) will almost certainly never see the light of day. It's locked away in a cupboard, awaiting the time when I can be brave enough to go back and do it properly. But perseverance is a wonderful attribute, and I ploughed on with new ideas, trial and error, and, after a memorable cup of coffee with a good friend, the plot of CCCP was thrashed out. I set myself the target of completing the first draft within a year - and did it.
It has of course, through subsequent editing and re-writes, changed somewhat whilst still keeping true to the original plot line.
I shall be eternally grateful to those that have taken the time and trouble to read my work and contribute their opinions. I always hoped readers would enjoy the book but the overwhelmingly positive responses to the style, the story and above all the characters has been both amazing and humbling.
The main characters have quite a few adventures mapped out, and a few more are fermenting away in my mind.
All plots developments and characters mentioned on this site are (c) dan canwell and no person body or organisation has authority to breach or infringe that copyright in any way. Copyright arises out of the assertion as author under the Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988 and is enforceable worldwide. This assertion applies to all pages of this website and the content contained or referred to therein.