dan canwell - links

Like most scribblers [or writists as one of my personal favourite authors calls them] I read a lot. I borrow books from my local library when it is open  .............. [ my sarcastic thanks to local and national government for all the really stupid short-sighted cuts in library services ] and of course that creates a problem.

The problem quite simply is that we only really get to hear of the successful authors - those with a publishing contract - and there are many many excellent writers out there just begging the chance to have their stuff read.

This page is for them - these are people who can write and who would like you to read their work, and the army of people and businesses behind the production of a novel.


Maureen Murrish - if you have children or perish the thought, grandchildren, and they get fantasy, then have a read of Maureens work at http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Maureen%20Murrish&search-alias=digital-text or read her blog here http://maureen-murrish.blogspot.co.uk/

Simon Bever - My friend, Simon, a man I had known since childhood, was tragically killed in a road accident in June of 2018. Simon always refused to write anything other than stand-alone works. He espoused the view that he disliked sequels and said he wouldn't give us any - sadly, he has no chance to change his mind. Instead he leaves us with his completed works that you can find on Amazon.

Many years ago, Simon decided to create a website dedicated to short stories and he got in touch and easily persuaded me to take part. It started me on a path to where I am today, forever in his debt, and like a lot of others, I will miss his bad moods, his irascibility and sheer unwavering bloody-mindedness.

Simon's work is available here, and as well as being a very talented writer, his death robs us of what he might have been, and what he might have produced. 
